Press Releases

Betolar’s technology to be used in Helsinki – Kilo Invest implements a climate-friendly residential building project


The aim of the project is to reduce the carbon footprint with the new circular economy technology and thus to advance the City of Helsinki’s climate change targets. Helsinki aims to become a carbon-neutral city by 2030.

“For our part, we wish  to contribute to the city’s ambitious efforts for carbon neutrality. The prerequisite for obtaining the popular plot was our plan to use climate-friendly, low-carbon concrete technology in construction. With Betolar’s solutions, the climate benefits are immediate. This is how we show the way to build in the future,” says Jyri Wirtanen, the CEO of Kilo Invest Oy.

Kilo Invest and Betolar have agreed on a cooperation to replace cement with Betolar’s innovative geopolymer solution. The purpose is to pilot the new method at the site in the most comprehensive way possible. 

“The Geoprime® solution we have developed is based on our extensive scientific and industrial expertise. In the Kalasatama project, we aim to apply the know-how we have built up in various concrete structures,” says Juha Leppänen, the Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Betolar.

Betolar is a material technology company whose innovations enable the reduction of the CO2 emissions of raw materials in the concrete industry globally by up to 80 per cent. The hardening component that replaces the cement in the innovation is formed from, among other things, the side streams of the Finnish process industry.

“Betolar's solutions bring a wide range of environmental benefits. Replacing cement with materials refined from industrial side streams can significantly reduce the CO2 emissions of the raw material. The use of industrial side streams as aggregates for concrete reduces the use of virgin natural resources,” states Juha Leppänen.

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