Press Releases

Silo AI and Betolar Plc collaborate to build an AI-driven platform accelerating the green transition


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Betolar Plc and Silo AI, one of the largest private AI labs in Europe, are today announcing their collaboration.  Betolar, the Finnish pioneer in materials technology, turns industrial side streams into a sustainable business by replacing cement with a side stream-based material. Silo AI supports Betolar's green transition with low carbon solutions offering a smart transformation towards a circular economy. Collaboration has been started by Silo AI building a cloud-based data collection system for Betolar's laboratory.


“We have together been able to build an environment for our data platform utilizing AI which will be a competitive edge for Betolar in the near future”, says Betolar’s CTO Pekka Hintikka.


Research and development are a crucial part of business for Betolar's success, and now Silo AI and Betolar will collaborate to accelerate this development. As the first step of this partnership, Silo AI ​​built a cloud-based solution with an easy-to-use user interface to manage and analyze data, making data collection and analysis more efficient.


Betolar required a platform to experiment, record trial results, and analyze data to create commercially viable sustainable concrete recipes for concrete manufacturers. This unique platform collects data from several sources and R&D process phases for in-depth research necessary to understand how various recipes from diverse side streams scale to different environments and applications.


This data collection platform has been tailored for low carbon binders and is therefore one of its kind. The continuous data collection produces new information for the researchers daily, allowing Betolar to create innovative and cost-effective recipes. These recipes result in sustainable Geoprime-products that are done entirely without the environmentally harmful cement.


“Cooperation with Silo AI has been very smooth. The professionals of Silo AI have shown the way in building the necessary scalable infrastructure. There is also an easy-to-use interface built for Betolar which is crucially important in a laboratory environment. Silo AI has been an important part of Betolar’s digitalization journey towards creating greener construction materials”, explains Hintikka from Betolar.


An environment for development of AI models has been created


The collaboration has so far focused on building the infrastructure and capabilities for Betolar to take advantage of their data. This was done by building an AI platform and machine learning operations (MLOps) pipelines, ensuring Betolar is ready when research data starts accumulating and the further development of the AI models continues. Next work is concentrating into development of AI models.


 “This collaboration is a great example of a digital platform that puts AI at the very core of the product”, Peter Sarlin, CEO from Silo AI, says.


The construction industry is among the most polluting sectors, where cement alone accounts for 7% of global CO2 emissions. Betolar is an innovative materials technology company tackling the challenge and offering a low carbon solution. Betolar’s solutions turn different side streams from the energy, mining, steel, and forestry industry into binders that replace cement in concrete production.


Betolar Oyj



Further information:

Joanna Viileinen, Marketing and Communications Director, tel. +358 40 538 3366,

Peter Sarlin, CEO, Silo AI Oy, tel. +358 40 572 7670,


About Betolar:

Betolar Plc is a Finnish materials technology company that offers the production of sustainable and low-carbon concrete with the Geoprime® solution. The solution converts several previously unused high-volume industrial side streams into a substitute for cement.

Betolar's innovation can significantly reduce CO2 emissions at a competitive cost compared to conventional cement-based concrete manufacturing. Betolar's mission is to help reduce CO2 emissions and the use of virgin natural resources in construction.

Betolar was founded in 2016 and is headquartered in Kannonkoski, Finland. Betolar is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market.

About Silo AI:

Silo AI is one of Europe’s largest private AI labs – a trusted AI partner that brings competitive advantage to product R&D. We build AI-driven solutions and products to enable smart devices, autonomous vehicles, industry 4.0, and smart cities. Silo AI provides its customers unique access to world-class AI expertise, as well as the Silo OS infrastructure to speed up AI development and deployment. Established in 2017, Silo AI is on a mission to build a European flagship AI company, with offices currently in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland.





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