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 Analysis & sourcing for industrial side streams

Side stream analysis for energy, metal, electricity and other industries

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cement factory at night

The problem 

Low supply and high demand of commoditised raw material

At the current level of concrete production, replacing cement entirely with sidestream materials such as fly ash and blast furnace slag would require the use of four billion tonnes of sidestream materials per year. Such quantities are not available on the market.

There is a need to identify and take into use new sidestream materials that might be coming from various industries such as steel, energy and mining. 


Want to investigate the potential of your side stream?

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työmaa ylhäältä päin h1700

The opportunity

From waste to value

Various industries are producing billions of tons of industrial sidestreams that end up in ponds and landfills around the globe. These sidestreams are often hazardous and pose a great risk if leaked into the environment.

By developing local solutions to manage waste and upcycle materials, businesses can radically reduce their environmental impact and create new revenue streams from what was once considered waste.

Industrial side streams require a solution to avoid being land-filled and enable profitable manufacturing.

analysis service

our service 

Analysis for sidestream and by-product owners

Does your operation produce sidestreams? Are you utilizing them to their full potential?

We offer continuous and one-off technical support and analysis to our partners and sidestream owners. We locate and/or analyse available local sidestreams for supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs). After the content of the sidestream material has been analysed, we develop application-based and cost-efficient mix design as per project requirements.

The CO2 handprint and cost-saving potential will be calculated together with the sidestream utilisation potential. Our reports and analyses comply with the ESG, and we assist our partner in ESG assessment.

This is how we do it

  1. Scope definition
  2. Research and analysis
  3. Commercial analysis
  4. Piloting and production

Using our own cloud-based AI platform, we have analysed and modelled data from more than 250 different industrial side streams to optimise concrete and geopolymer recipes in terms of strength, viscosity and other properties.

liikenneympyrä ylhäältä h1700

benefits for sidestream owners 

Join the circular economy

Let us help you develop a circular business strategy that not only benefits the planet but also benefits your bottom line.


  • The environmental burden of the operations and the risks associated with waste materials are reduced when side streams are utilised as a part of the circular economy
  • Waste disposal fees are reduced and side streams can even be turned into valuable raw material
  • Storage capacity is freed up and valuable land can be used more efficiently


  • Use sidestreams to replace virgin natural resources in your precast, construction or mining solutions.

Contact for more information

Amir Wafin

Amir Wafin

Head of Supply & Trading

Do you have a sidestream to investigate?

Would you like to know more about our analysis service?

Please send us a message, and we'll get back to you shortly.